Member Spotlight: Meet Chelsea McCredie

Meet Chelsea McCredie—Chelsea’s passion for sport ignited at an incredibly young age; her second word was "ball."

At Play Like a Girl, we’re all about celebrating our community, and today we’re thrilled to spotlight one of our inspiring members, Chelsea McCredie.

A dedicated athlete and participant in the Empowered to Lead course, Chelsea’s journey embodies the passion and drive that characterises women in sport.

Finding Passion Early On

Chelsea’s love for sport ignited early – so early, in fact, that her second word was "ball." She recalls, “My passion for sport started right then and there; practically holding a ball in almost every photo growing up." Encouraged by her sporty parents to explore the outdoors, she has been immersed in sports practically since she could walk.

Over the past decade, Chelsea has played soccer in mixed teams a year above her age group and all-girls teams two years older. “I loved playing against older players—it pushed me to be better every time I was on the field,” she shares.

Today, she plays at a representative level with girls her own age and has also competed in representative touch football for two years.

Sport is more than just a hobby for Chelsea – "It’s a part of who I am," she affirms.

Memorable Moments in Sport

When asked about her fondest sports memories, Chelsea immediately lights up: “Winning the premiership this year was a highlight, even though we lost in the grand final. It’s a moment I’ll always cherish.”

Another moment that stands out is when, as a young girl playing against an all-boys school, she faced adversity head-on. “One of the dads on the other team yelled, ‘Push her, she’s just a girl,’” Chelsea remembers. “My mum nearly got banned from watching my games because she was so furious!”

But rather than letting it bring her down, Chelsea learned to block out negativity and let her game speak for itself. “I just played my game. I didn’t let their words affect me,” she states proudly.

The Path to Empowered to Lead

Chelsea’s introduction to Empowered to Lead came through recommendations from a family friend and her goalkeeper coach. “When both my family friend and coach suggested it in the same week, I thought, ‘This must be something I’m meant to do,’” she reflects.

The course exceeded her expectations, offering the chance to connect with like-minded girls passionate about sport and eager for mental skills guidance. “It was great to meet girls who shared the same passion for sport and wanted to improve the mental side of their game,” she explains. “Having that support from people you’ve just met, but who understand your journey, was really powerful.”

Growing Beyond Sport

Through Empowered to Lead, Chelsea learned tools that have impacted her daily life, from school to soccer, and beyond. “I’ve taken so many skills from the course into my day-to-day life,” Chelsea shares. “Whether it’s managing school stress or staying calm in high-pressure games, the lessons have been invaluable.”

Even at 15, she recognises how the skills she’s acquired will continue to serve her in the future. “I know I’ll use what I’ve learned when I get older; it’s more than just sport—it’s about life,” she reflects.

The experience of sharing stories and advice with others in similar situations has been invaluable, offering a sense of connection and mentorship that’s helped her build resilience, particularly as a goalkeeper. “As a goalkeeper, you can make or break the game, so having the right mindset is everything,” Chelsea explains.

A Lasting Impression

One of the standout experiences for Chelsea was working on resilience in small groups – a particularly timely focus as she was navigating the final weeks of her season and school exams. “The timing was perfect,” Chelsea says.

“It was such a stressful period, and having those small group discussions on resilience really helped me stay grounded.” The discussions around keeping a positive mindset, lifting herself up, and encouraging her teammates, especially when things didn’t go as planned, have made a lasting impression on her approach to both sport and life.

“It’s all about bouncing back, keeping your head up, and lifting others around you,” she adds.

Words of Wisdom

Chelsea’s advice for other girls and women aspiring to excel in sports and leadership is simple: be yourself. “Everyone else is taken,” she says, quoting her mum. “Don’t try to be someone you’re not. You’re unique in your way, and that’s your strength.”

She encourages others not to let sexist remarks or societal expectations hold them back, emphasising the power of believing in oneself. “People might make comments, but just prove them wrong—show them what you’re capable of,” she asserts. “The secret to success is believing in yourself.”

What It Means to Play Like a Girl

For Chelsea, playing like a girl is a badge of honour. She sees it as a compliment – a way to play authentically, embrace her style, and push aside anyone who questions her abilities.

“Playing like a girl is a compliment,” she says proudly. “The female athletes I admire play like girls, and I want to be like them.” To her, it’s about owning her style and strengths, regardless of what others say.

The Importance of Play Like a Girl

Initiatives like Play Like a Girl are crucial, according to Chelsea, because they empower girls and women to be confident in their abilities.

“Not everyone feels confident ‘playing like a girl,’” she notes. “But this initiative shows them it’s more than okay—it’s something to be proud of.” Chelsea sees it as a positive force that helps girls recognise and embrace their power in sport.

A Better Future for Women and Girls

When thinking about the world’s future, Chelsea envisions a place where women and girls are truly equal – where they have rights, opportunities to learn, vote, and are paid and treated fairly in sports and beyond.

“I want to see girls stand up for themselves and speak out,” she says. “If it were happening to a man, they’d speak up, and I want women to have that same confidence.”

Her hope is for girls and women to feel empowered to strive for greatness and to prove they are as capable as men – “if not more so.”

Thank you, Chelsea, for sharing your story with us and for being a valued member of the Play Like a Girl community. Your journey and insights are sure to inspire others to believe in themselves and play proudly like a girl.

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