Member Spotlight: Meet Jess Tasevska

Jess Tasevska's journey in sport began at age seven when she picked up a tennis racket, igniting a lifelong passion.

Member Spotlight: Jess Tasevska

At Play Like a Girl, we’re passionate about celebrating the stories of our members who inspire others through their unique journeys. Today, we’re excited to feature Jess, a dynamic and determined woman who has made her mark both in sports and in the male-dominated construction industry.

Meet Jess: A Lifelong Passion for Sports

Jess’s journey in sports began at the age of seven when she first picked up a tennis racket. “I fell in love with tennis at the ripe age of 7 and played for two years before taking a break. I got back into it at 12 and continued until I was 18—a total of nine years in the sport,” Jess shares. Even during her time away from tennis, she remained deeply involved in sports through school competitions, finding joy in every moment of physical activity.

“When I reflect on these memories, it’s always associated with a positive feeling and enjoyment,” Jess recalls. Her love for sport wasn’t just about competition; it was about the sheer pleasure of being active and engaged in something she was passionate about.

Overcoming Challenges: A Journey of Self-Improvement

Like many athletes, Jess faced challenges along the way, particularly with negative self-talk during matches and tournaments. “Taking wrong shots that resulted in losses and self-doubt was a major issue for me,” Jess admits. But she knew that in order to grow and excel, she needed to change her mindset. “I had to switch that negative self-talk into something positive and be more consistent with it,” she explains. This transformation wasn’t easy, and it’s something Jess continues to work on today.

Empowered to Lead: A Course That Changed Everything

Jess’s desire to break new ground in her career led her to join the Empowered to Lead course. “I have set personal goals for myself in life, and being in a managerial role in a male-dominated industry is one of them,” Jess says. She saw the course as an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and tools that could help her grow in her career. “I went into the course with no expectations, but I just knew it was going to be great.”

The course exceeded her expectations, having a significant impact on both her personal and professional development. “A lot of the content and tools we learned during the course were applicable not just to my career progression, but to my sporting development as well,” Jess notes. One of the most powerful moments for her was the final session. “It was so incredibly powerful to be in a virtual room with all these incredible ladies who are all striving for the same thing—to become a leader. There was a lot of raw emotion and lasting impact. That’s a memory I will forever keep with me.”

Empowered and Driven: Looking to the Future

After completing the course, Jess feels more empowered than ever. “It’s the drive, the grit that keeps me going,” she says. Her determination to achieve her goals, particularly in the construction industry, has only intensified. “I want to be that role model that other females in male-dominated industries can look up to,” Jess says. She’s committed to being a leader in her field and believes in the importance of soft skills as part of her leadership style.

When it comes to leadership and life in general, Jess lives by a simple yet powerful principle: “Treat people how you would like to be treated. Being respectful, honest, and humble to whoever you come across in life will only benefit you.” She believes these qualities are not only the foundation of success but also open doors to new opportunities and experiences.

Defining Success and Empowering Others

For Jess, success is measured by the achievements she has earned through hard work and perseverance. “I look back and see all the mountains I had to climb to get to where I am today. As they say, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day,’ and neither are you. It takes time, trial, and error to build yourself up,” she reflects. This journey of growth, with all its challenges, is what she believes truly defines success.

Her advice to other girls and women aspiring to excel in sports and leadership roles is clear and powerful: “Take the chance. I know it can be a scary thought, especially in sports and careers in male-dominated industries, but you can do it! Don’t let that little voice in the back of your head knock you down. If you’re determined to make a change, then get yourself out there.”

The Importance of Play Like a Girl

Jess is a strong advocate for initiatives like Play Like a Girl. “PLAG gives us a platform where it encourages us women to have a voice and share how equally important we are, whether that be in sport or work,” she says. For Jess, Play Like a Girl is a place where women can gain the tools and knowledge they need to pursue their goals and become the leaders they aspire to be.

We’re incredibly proud to have Jess as part of our community and grateful for her contribution to the Empowered to Lead course. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence, and we hope it inspires others to follow in her footsteps.

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